- Does functionalty X will be implemented in Satlink?
Currentely, the plans are to add some map visualisations and more robust XPS calculations. Any other functionalities or improvements are not in planning. Feel free to suggest any via contacts.
- I've found a bug! What should I need to do?
First, check the issues pages at Github (https://github.com/cfragoas/SatLink/issues). If the issue is not there, you can add it or contact me (see contacts).
- What's the difference in using Satlink via command line and the graphical interface?
Using Satlink via command line can give the user a bit more freedom. The classes and their individual functions can be used to create new functionalities. Using Satlink via graphical interface can be a lot easier but also limits these possibilities.
- Can Satlink be used in Linux/Windows/Mac?
Yes. Satlink is implemented in Python 3 and can be used in any supported OS.
- I don't know the parameters to simulate one or all the calculations! What should I do?
The parameters can be consulted in code description page and GUI usage page.